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Heather Bradbury - Masterclass FULL DAY WORKSHOP with gift box

Come for the day and discover loads of tips on how to create stunning photo-realistic paintings!

NOW Sunday 9th JUNE at Kapi Art Space

1:30pm - 7:00pm

Normally $239 - Offering a special for $195


All materials and afternoon tea provided on the day. 

BYO DINNER (we will break around 5:30 for dinner)

Included in the workshop for you to take home is a filbert brush, a bottle of medium & Heather's book 'Painting - it's a soul journey'


We will cover the following throughout the day:

1. Colour theory. 

Ever wondered how to mix a certain colour. We will be looking at how you can easily mix up colours by analising your reference and choosing the right colours to achieve the outcome you want!

2. How to grid up your own photo

Learn simple ways to put a grid on your own photos, and for those who already know this, we will look at how to edit your photos to get them looking the best they can for your reference.

3. Applying paint with the right brushes

What brushes do you use to get certain effects with your painting. We will look at a number of brushes and how you can get great results when you use the right tool!

4. Blending & Contrasts

Two really important keys to making a painting look real and alive! A look at these elements that can open your eyes to seeing the darks and lights in an image in a new way.

5. Painting Water

We will end the day by practising the things learnt through a painting of water! Take home a small photo realistic painting that will surprise you!

6. What you go home with...

Learning the key elements to making a painting look photo realistic

A number of techniques that can help you be more confident in your own paintings

A clear understanding of colour and how to mix the colour you need

How to use a selection of brushes that are great for detail

You will learn how to put a grid on a photo

A painting of water

Your very own book, a brush and some medium too!

Masterclass in Photo Realisic Painting with Heather Bradbury - FULL DAY

$239.00 Regular Price
$195.00Sale Price
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