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Marvelous Mondays - Painting Workshops with Heather


In response to the lockdown 'creative crave' -  I am offering ZOOM classes on Monday nights during the school term. 

SO - anyone from anywhere can join me! $42 for two hours of creative marvellousness!

Or pay for a 10 week pass for $40 a week ($400). Come when you can, no pressure to come every week, but must be used within the year.

MELBOURNE time (AEST) 7:00pm - 9:00pm

See dates and themes at check out at top right of this page.


You do not need to have any experience to come along! Just use whatever paints or pencils you have in your home. I will be using oil paints but dont let that stop you from creating something with whatever you have!


Ideally it would be good to have these things ready on the night:

1. An A4 canvas pad, or an A5 canvas ready to go. (I mask up an A5 area on an A4 canvas pad).

So, some masking tape would be good to have on hand!


2. 2-3 brushes of different sizes. Soft watercolour brushes are best. I love using Filbert size 4-8 brushes and round 3 and 8 too. (give or take a few numbers).


3. Medium. I use Langridge Low toxic medium, but a middle of the range medium will work fine.


4. Paper towel. 


5. A palette, basically something that is waterproof to put your paints out on. I use Paper palette paper, but a meat tray is fine.


6. Oil Paints. (if you only have acrylics that's fine). As long as you have a range of reds, yellows, blues, some brown, black and white you will be fine. But if you want to get specific, there is a list below of what I like to use.


I sell oil painting packs if you are interested...

CLICK HERE to read more about them



This pack has the basic set of colours. You can mix most colours from these tubes, but is designed so that you can add more colours to it as you go.


It includes:

**12 Oil Paints (Burnt Umber, Cadmium Yellow Deep, Spectrum Yellow, Permanent Green Light, Sap Green, Turquoise, Phthalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Magenta, Spectrum Vermillion, Titanium White, Payne’s Grey)

*Most of the paints are ART SPECTRUM. But due to the high demands on paint production their company can not supply some colours, so we have replaced them with another brand. 


Brushes – (4) NEEF: 6 &10 Filbert, 3 Round, 1 Rigger


Langridge Low Toxic Odorless Painting medium,

Heather Bradbury Colour Chart, Ruler, Eraser, Pencil

ONLINE Painting Classes with Heather (Marvellous Mondays)

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